Saturday, July 22, 2006

I lied... third post

{Update 4:13 PM} In my joy at finding such a cornicopia of humor I may have missed the obvious... this is in all likelihood a joke... but it is still hilarious.

This is the last one I promise:

Thank You, Rush Limbaugh!

I'm very pleased to announce the latest addition to the 'ensorsements' section of my blogroll: Rush Limbaugh! Yes, Mr. Limbaugh firmly announced his support of me on his radio program a few days ago. You can follow this link to listen to what he had to say. Here's a snippet:

You know, what's happening with Lieberman is that the Democratic base is trying to run him out of the United States Senate, and they've got this media tycoon who has literally no political experience whatsoever, and we've played audio sound bites of some debates that they've had. It's clear this guy is just mouthing phrases he's been taught by the lunatics of the left-wing fringe.

I find this analysis to be completely on target. Ned Lamont doesn't know anything besides what he reads on crazed left-wing blogs; he's nothing but a political amateur that's trying to buy my Senate seat with his ill-gotten gains from his media empire. I love how Rush can simplify complex issues down to the core truth like this.

So, thanks again, Rush. You're the best!


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