Marriage fights and the court's decision
From the Suv':
The court surely has a point. And this is how these decisions can actually be a boon to the marriage cause. They may help galvanize a broader gay and straight effort to make the case democratically, rather than legally and constitutionally. Since our arguments are so strong, why would we leery of this? We have already made huge strides. We've seen dramatic polling drops in opposition to marriage for gay people in the last couple of years. The FMA has withered on the vine. We have civil marriage in one state, Massachusetts. That's a Big Deal. If someone had asked me seventeen years ago, when I helped pioneer this argument, if I thought that by 2006 I'd be engaged and planning a legal wedding in America, I would have wondered what they were smoking. But next year, I'll tie the knot - as thousands already have, in America and across the globe. In California, the legislature has already voted for civil marriage, and shows no sign of going back. These state court decisions, moroever, undermine even further the case for a federal amendment and reveal the extremism and un-conservatism of its backers.
And I would also add (as pertinent to Dave's post below) that this is another issue that politically is being neutralized - not through any Democratic political proficiency, mind you, but neutralized nonetheless.
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