Cool video
No politics with this one, but for those that don't know I have a soft spot for cool experimental video.
It's a cool collage of pictures. The same effect could be gotten by taking a video and lowering the framerate, but there's something about the inherent jerkiness of the image that makes it really effective, in my mind.
I would also say that, without the internet, I would see about 1% of this kind of stuff that I do see. It's an amazing infrastructure we have that can link artists with viewers, and also turn viewers into artists. I hope that in fifteen years we can look back and see some amazing stuff that has been created as a result - but only if asshats like Stevens are thwarted (see below).
{update 11:34 AM} Verdict from the gf: its ok. kinda cheesy. but i like the cat at the end
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