Thursday, July 06, 2006

One More Reason to Hate Hillary Clinton

In this week's Economist, there is an article about flag burning. Most perplexing, unsurprisingly, is Senator Clinton's position on a Constitutional amendment to ban flag burning:

"Hilary Clinton, true to her strategy of trying to straddle her party's liberal and centrist wings, opposed the amendment but called for federal legislation to ban flag desecration."

Perhaps Ms. Clinton can explain to me exactly where in that swamp of bullshit I can find her actual position on this issue. What does she think about the fact that her centrist strategy is totally transparent? I will be really frustrated if she wins the nomination in '08. Her politics aside, we all know that the Dems can't win by running Northeastern intellectual types. And then think of all the bullshit that the opposition is gonna cook up about her being a woman. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who thinks a Clinton run in '08 isn't just the Dems pissing against the wind.


At 6:16 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

I have not heard anybody who is excited about Clinton. Most people, including Dems, despise the woman, or at the very least profess their desire to vote against her, even if they agree with her ideas.

Her 'frontrunner' status seems entirely bestowed by the media. I don't think that the Dems in '08 are going to go for the most 'electable' candidate again - they're either going to get pulled way left and nominate someone who catches fire on the left, or nominate a centrist who is a relative unknown (i.e. Warner).

I always find it a little bit silly to talk about the candidates for an election 2 years away (ignore my posts discussing the candidates for the election 2 year away below).

On the other hand, it seems like what she's doing is similar to the GOP in your later post. I.e., she's trying to neutralize an issue that they're attempting to use to gin up their base, by not giving them anything inflammatory to work with.

The effectiveness can be debated, but it seems like something where would be damned any way she turns - she endorses the amendment and gets slammed by the left, or disses it and gets slammed by the right, or straddles it and gets slammed... by the left.


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