Wednesday, June 14, 2006


From the Hotline:

Schumer said that the DSCC "fully supports" Sen. Joe Lieberman in his primary bid, and he refused to rule out continuing that support if Lieberman were to run as an independent.

There were degrees of independence, Schumer said. "You can run as an independent, you can run as an independent Democrat who pledges to vote for Harry Reid as Majority Leader."

This is pretty wacko. I don't know Ned Lamont, but if Leiberman were to lose the Democratic primary, I should hope the Democrat party would rescind its support, regardless of what the party elders think. This ain't no monarchy.

Now here's a good idea if ever I saw one:

As a general policy, vote all politicians out of office, with one major exception. This approach will automatically stir the political pool until something more than scum rises to the top and we are able to identify people that are actually capable of doing a good job.


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