Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Karl Rove...

Well, I just did a couple of snarky posts the past two days, so I figured I’d talk about something a little more substantive.

So Karl Rove is off the hook. That’s fine. I don’t like the man, and I think the way he used racism to undermine McCain in SC in 2000 was despicable, but if the man didn’t do anything wrong, he doesn’t need to get indicted. It appears to me that Patrick Fitzgerald is an intelligent, thorough and fair prosecutor whose first priority is to uncover the truth, and based on this assessment, I am satisfied with his findings. My distaste for politicians and their advisors does not cross the line into wishing them unfair distress at the hands of a politically motivated prosecutor. I think this is what happened in the 90s to Clinton (whom I do not dislike, FTR), and it still bothers me that such a circus was allowed to occur only 8 years ago. I am very happy, in the end, that this investigation is not as overtly political as some have been in the past


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